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Tag Archives for Climate Change

World News

Parliament approves resignation of Abdul Mahdi’s government after two months of protests that left more than 400 dead. WHO reports Tunisia had second-worst traffic death rate per capita in North Africa, behind only war-torn Libya.…
Europe News

Europe News

Critics of coalition with Chancellor Merkel’s conservatives are chosen as new leaders of junior partner party. Labour party legislators give ‘unanimous support’ to embattled PM Joseph Muscat as protesters demand his resignation. In election campaign…

Weather News

People in west Kenya are looking for relatives still missing after landslides and flooding killed dozens and displaced more than 80,000. Two major storms continue to track across nation, bringing a miserable mix of rain,…
Reporter’s Notebook

Reporter’s Notebook

Aisyah Llewellyn found out just what living in hazardous air meant when she went to Jambi to report on Indonesia’s devastating fires. Celebration, protests, Trump, Modi and supporters who went after Al Jazeera’s crew: Welcome…